ABA Summary – Commonwealth Procurement Rules for Balustrade/Balcony Sector Suppliers


The most recent Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPR’s)underpin the Government’s legal obligations and procurement policy framework.

This framework set out officials’ responsibilities, and the processes required for the procurement of products and services under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013.



The most recent Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPR’s)underpin the Government’s legal obligations and procurement policy framework.

This framework set out officials’ responsibilities, and the processes required for the procurement of products and services under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013.

Changes to the Act outlines Australia’s Government Procurement obligations, and factors that must be considered in meeting the core rules, including adherence to procuring products that must meet Standards and Compliance requirements.

Rules that must be complied with in undertaking procurement are denoted by the term ‘must’. Non-corporate Commonwealth entities must report non-compliance with the rules of the CPRs through the Commonwealth’s compliance reporting process.

The ABA has summarised the Rules for the purpose of simplifying the Act for procurement officers, specifiers, designers, architects, manufacturers and suppliers across the Furnishing sector.

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